
BL8530 boost power transformation of applications

BL8530 boost power transformation of applications
D1 for BL8530 provide a start working voltage. Can use 2 AP, IN60, 1 N5817 etc diode, R1 for DW1 voltage stabilizing diode provide a stable work current. Generally greater than 1 mA can. For example: when DW1 with TL431. Output voltage Vo = 3 + 2.5 = 5.5 V, for a different voltage stabilizing tube. But to obtain the required voltage.
To get higher than 7 V output voltage, will be in the inductance coil increases a booster winding. Circuit see FIG. 2).
Φ 0.08 mm using L2 enameled wire just in order to reduce the volume of the inductance coil. Booster winding lap according to their own needs can be around the system, according to the figure of data, use 4 V lithium battery, not answering the D3, load current in 1 mA, the output voltage more than 40 V.
Can the FIG 2 designed to shut off from the booster circuit, instead of digital multimeter a 9 V battery in, circuit is shown in figure 3. Instead of directly 9 V ?

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