
BL8530 boost power transformation of applications

BL8530 boost power transformation of applications
D1 for BL8530 provide a start working voltage. Can use 2 AP, IN60, 1 N5817 etc diode, R1 for DW1 voltage stabilizing diode provide a stable work current. Generally greater than 1 mA can. For example: when DW1 with TL431. Output voltage Vo = 3 + 2.5 = 5.5 V, for a different voltage stabilizing tube. But to obtain the required voltage.
To get higher than 7 V output voltage, will be in the inductance coil increases a booster winding. Circuit see FIG. 2).
Φ 0.08 mm using L2 enameled wire just in order to reduce the volume of the inductance coil. Booster winding lap according to their own needs can be around the system, according to the figure of data, use 4 V lithium battery, not answering the D3, load current in 1 mA, the output voltage more than 40 V.
Can the FIG 2 designed to shut off from the booster circuit, instead of digital multimeter a 9 V battery in, circuit is shown in figure 3. Instead of directly 9 V ?

Introduce a TL431 battery chargers

Introduce a TL431 battery chargers
The battery exceed the battery voltage, and its life expectancy will be greatly reduced.
Here introduces a simple recharging circuit, it USES the three adjustable voltage shunt type TL431 chip (IC1) as a major adjustment device. When the same phase input feet (REF) voltage less than its internal benchmark voltage (2.5 V), TL431 cathode K output high potential, make the relay keep in releasing the state, charging to continue. Conversely. When the battery voltage over the threshold voltage circuit. Make REF voltage more than 2.5 V. TL431 cathode K low potential output. Relay suck close, charging circuit disconnect, charging to stop. TL431 plus a few external components charging control circuit. Because have a reference voltage TL431 in-house. So TL431 more instruments have a lagging effect, namely the comparator ceiling and floor difference.
When the battery voltage up to more than the threshold voltage, relay RL1 suck close, the contacts N/C will be charging circuit disconnect, LED1 by flashing lights. At the same time, provide a lag path R3, to control the release of relay voltage Vr. Vr can work out by next type: Vr = Vref... (1 + R1 | | R3 / R2). | | R3 type of R1 for R1 and R3 of parallel value, namely (R1xR3) / (R1 + R3).
When the battery voltage is lower than release voltage, TL431 cathode (K) voltage close to the battery voltage. Relay keep in releasing the state. Charging to continue and LED1 not hair flash. Until the battery recharging voltage exceeds the threshold voltage Vt, LED1 again issued flashlight, charging to stop. R5 to limit the charging current.


Switching power supply circuit diagram

Switching power supply circuit diagram
The first is that circles low-pass filter (to prevent the high frequency signal into power supply circuit), the second call rectifier bridge (alternating current into the direct current).
The third is high frequency transformers. Circuit is how it works: integrated circuits and transformers group concussion circuit, in integrated circuit 6 foot output pulse signal, for dozens of frequency to hundreds of K, 2 SK2067 is switch tube, when high electric circuit switch tube at ordinary times conduction, electricity flows through the primary transformer to switch tube (conduction) to power negative (return), when square wave low electricity at ordinary times the switch tube, transformer primary didn't current. Don't speak more below, I see it. In fact in the transformer primary added pulse voltage (exchange). Ask the high frequency transformers is that right after the chopper ? coupling ac component

Switching power supply work principle

Switching power supply work principle
The working process of switch power supply is fairly easy to understand, in the linear power supply, let power transistors work in the linear model, and linear power supply different is, PWM switch power supply is let power transistors work in conduction and shut off the state in which two states, add in power transistors on the v-Ann product is small (at turn-on, low voltage, current, and shut off, high voltage, current small) / power components of the product is power semiconductor current-voltage effects loss. Compared with linear power supply, PWM switch power supply work more effectively process is through "the chopper", namely the input dc voltage chop into amplitude equals input voltage amplitude of the pulse voltage to fulfill. The pulse of empty than by switching power supply to adjust the controller. once


Extremely high frequency amplifier self-excited how to adjust?

Extremely high frequency amplifier self-excited how to adjust?
Working band in the 18-31 GHZ, is a amplifier components, with two of the internal active radio frequency amplifier chip, the input power 0 dBm, output power + 30 dBm. The output signal has self-excited phenomenon, how to eliminate the phenomenon of self-excited, rf power supply voltage of the chip is not pure the influence of self-excited? Alphabetical order.
The power supply voltage instability will easy to cause the self-excited,
18-31 GHZ frequency, really tall, my experience I say little bit.
A, circuit design should be very hard, your chip power pin must use filter capacitance, your circuit before a current should not amplified, the proposal USES 220 UF and 0.1 UF capacitance parallel access, to ripple suppression effect is good. And go short circuit line as far as possible, so high frequency, must use shielding measures, preferably by shielding the circuit box up and grounded. Or as we usually radio signals, and cell phone signals, etc, all kinds of interference will be induced to circuit. Then you want to self-excited is too simple.
Second, power supply must be very stable, power supply voltage, had better use high precision oscilloscope see wave ?


Headphone amplifiers and the sound card

Headphone amplifiers and the sound card
I use a SONY VPCCB26 notebook, headphones with triangle ES7, but feel the sound field headset is not enough, and even listen to nondestructive also is not very ideal, like that bring headphones can feel the whole room is filled with music feeling, and recommend a ears to put, is mainly used in the computer, hope to have the obvious improvement, is to use the good or desktop all the good, sometimes also use MP3 music, if portable points better, but still listening to a computer, you can't give consideration to the only consider a computer to use, if use computer to listen to, want to add a external sound card, ear put in 700 less than the budget, the sound card temporarily take no account of, just want to know about, key in the ear to put, if a good to add cent.
The building Lord, ES7 itself does not belong to sound field for selling headphones, and you from its parameter can see that it's actually portable gao min low resistance headphones! So put on the headset was ascension is limited, and the role of the ear is put more thrust thrust the most intuitive after more big change is not sound field but dynamic will impose. ES7 itself should be with sweet female voice style is female voice of popular portable mainly headset, quality can be, but for the sound field contrast with class vitor baia power DTX910 he sent a lot, so within 700 yuan to sound field strengthen the ear than directly into another team put headphones (sound field DTX910 is very appropriate word). For personal advice at the above consideration, little detours. After all, a 32 ohms 100 dB portable headset notes thrust completely not problems, and such as

How to see headphones to don't use headphone amplifiers

How to see headphones to don't use headphone amplifiers
First look at the impedance, generally greater than 32 ohms headset need amplifier. Listen to voice, if impedance is low but the sound is the problem of high frequency wool or harsh, show your audio output is insufficient, need to add amplifier
How to see headphones to don't use headphone amplifiers

Headphone amplifiers what is the use

Headphone amplifiers what is the use
The ear has many functions put amplifier
1, used to amplify the signal audio source, to fully promote headphones
2, impedance matching
3, tuning up.
High quality of audio source and headphones, add the headphone amplifiers, the effect will be significantly.
The poor quality of is not necessary........


STM32 new series of the products function:

STM32 new series of the products function: http://www.siliconray.com/
STM32 interconnection model series products are divided into two types: STM32F105 and STM32F107. STM32F105 has USB OTG and CAN2.0 B interface. STM32F107 USB OTG and CAN2.0 B in based on the Ethernet interface increased 10/100 MAC module. Chip integrated Ethernet MAC support MII and RMII, therefore, realize a complete Ethernet transceiver just an external PHY chip. Use only a 25 MHz crystals to the micro controller can provide the clock frequency, including Ethernet USB OTG peripherals and interface. Micro controller can also produce a 25 MHz or 50 MHz clock output, drive external Ethernet PHY layer chip, for the customer to save one additional crystals. Audio features, new series micro controller offers two I2S audio interface, support the host and two models from the machine, which is used as an input and can be used as output, resolution for the 16 or 32 bits. Audio sampling frequency ?

STM32 series role

STM32 series role
ARM Cortex of company of high performance "the M3 "kernel 1.25 DMips/MHz, and ARM7TDMI only 0.95 DMips/MHz first-class peripherals 1 μ s double twelve ADC, 4 million m bit/SEC UART, 18 million m bit/SEC SPI, 18 MHz I/O flip speed low power consumption in 72 MHz use 36 mA (all of the peripherals in working conditions), 2 μ A standby nowadays to the largest integration reset circuit, low voltage regulator, the accurate detection, RC oscillator, etc simple structure and easy tools
STM32F10x important parameters
2 V-3.6 V power supply tolerate 5 V I/O tube feet excellent security clock mode with low power consumption mode of awakening function internal RC oscillator embedded reset circuit operating temperature range:-40 ° C 85 ° C to + 105 or ° C
STM32F101 performance characteristics
36 MHz CPU as many as 16 K bytes SRAM 1 x12 ?


Influence factors to GSM signal have?

Influence factors to GSM signal have?
China mobile base area of the system, the coverage several KM; The regional system and unicom, can cover dozens of KM; Radiation frequency size and energy decided to coverage.
From another Angle, by the point of view of the conservation of energy analysis: cell phone radiation of the large base station radiation small (GSM), and cell phone radiation of the small base station radiation (CDMA)
Generally divided into the following several system: transmission system, including SDH equipment, optical fiber, cable, etc.; The power system, storage battery, the utility, etc.; Move ring monitoring systems; Day feedback system; BTS Lord equipment; And other auxiliary equipment, such as air condition, security doors, and so on
GSM900 and DCS1800 is normally we speak of excited network, they are all GSM standards. Two system function the same, the main frequency is different, GSM900 work in the 900 MHZ, 1800 MHZ in DCS1800 work. China's most

The major difference between CDAM and GSM

The major difference between CDAM and GSM
CDMA is the abbreviation of CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), it is in the digital technology branch of spread spectrum communication technology, developed on a new and mature wireless communication technology. CDMA technology is based on the principle of spread spectrum technology, will need to transmit signal bandwidth has certain information data, with a bandwidth far outweigh the signal bandwidth of high-speed pseudo-random code for modulation, the original data signal bandwidth be expanded, then the carrier modulation and send out. The receiving end use exactly the same pseudo-random code, and receive the bandwidth of the signal for relevant processing, the broadband signal into the original information data of narrowband signal that is expanding solution, in order to realize information communication.
GSM is Global System for Mobile Communications of the abbreviations, meaning the Global System for Mobile Communications, one of the world's leading one of the cellular System. GSM ?

What is a GSM

What is a GSM
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications universal Mobile telecommunications System), is an open, evolving the improved System. This system is one of the advantages of the strongest in having the function of international roaming, consumers can with a number, in more than 159 countries don't accept all of the same quality blocked telephone service.
GSM standards will continue to improve the evolution, and radio, satellite and mobile system to provide more sharply with the service, including high speed multimedia data service, the service for synchronization using a built-in support, and will the Internet and fixed network perfect union.


And answered the white LED drive circuit diagram

And answered the white LED drive circuit diagram
As with TPS61040 booster converter to drive the parallel LED. Figure in FB pin through &gnd connection between a 15 Ω external resistance R1, according to the feedback voltage (VFB = 1.233 V), TPS61040 can provide 80 mA LED the constant current. The design allows for use in output physical size smaller external devices (use ceramic capacitors instead of tantalum capacitors), this is due to the high frequency switch TPS61040 provide 1 MHz. PWM control tube feet used to control the brightness of the LED lights. And answered the white LED drive circuit diagram:

NE556 touch of dimmer circuit

NE556 touch of dimmer circuit
This circuit can realize the brightness of the light by dark brighten (light), by bright dark (the). Use touch components of realize touch control, and so in addition to touch piece outside, still need to plus a touch circuit (can choose sk-ii integrated circuit). Additional, because of bright dark dark brighten is a delayed hige, so need to choose a certain "delays" circuit, therefore, integrated circuit, and the NE556 can use. In addition, the light of the control is generally through the thyristor and the light of the direct connection, realizes to light the hige control circuit. In essence the thyristor and lamp light control of main circuit, touch of + touch circuit + base integrated circuit NE556 subprime circuit of components. NE556 touch of dimmer circuit:

LM3423 consists of the booster LED drive circuit

LM3423 consists of the booster LED drive circuit
The picture, when EN pin command boost converter failure after, the Lord switch, nDIMFET pin and FLT pin will be closed, from the current will flow into the Vin approach and zero, effectively avoid any leakage current flow into the series of LED together, because right now the boost converter have failed. Leakage current due to no longer there, when stop the battery can be packed, so can effectively extend battery life. LM3423 consists of the booster LED drive circuit:


FANUC system alarm 401 how to solve? Already determined is amplifier fault, and exclude amplifier module, floor should be good

FANUC system alarm 401 how to solve? Already determined is amplifier fault, and exclude amplifier module, floor should be good
How to swap?
1. A bad for good, good to change bad, good or bad appear alarm?
2. Good in the good, the bad in a bad, two cases the police?
To hear you say so, can eliminate the problem of the parameter is set up.
Check the power supply before changing unit of over 24 V, if 24 V appear problem, change into good may also take the good is burnt out. Has this alarm, lead to the alarm of reason not just servo amplifier or cable.
Eliminate not the words suggest contact Beijing fanuc the on-site service solution. Sure they present it usually within half a day to go to the site.
Cross-examine me is the bad on the amplifier module, a change to the floor on the good results, is normal, and finally ?

Tianjin smoke sensor, smoke alarm manufacturers have?

System integration, network equipment, network smoke alarm, smoke, fire control system, a new fire detection alarm the photoelectric smoke detector is using modern technology... Domestic outfit project, now, facing the whole country procurement related materials, management, service outsourcing group telephone, process production suppliers, shenzhen exhibition fai enterprise Co., LTD. Provide smoke sensor (ZH-02), smoke alarm, smoke detectors, fire alarm system, smoke sensor, electronic alarm safety device products.
Control switch, call center smoke sensor (ZH-03) production suppliers, shenzhen exhibition fai enterprise Co., LTD. Provide smoke sensor (ZH-03), smoke alarm, fire alarm system, smoke detectors, smoke sensor, sensor products.
Cn. Made-in-China. Com/showroom/zhanhuisales/product-detailIqHQfOcrIaYx/China-smoke sensor + (ZH-03). HTML-20 k-web page snapshot-similar nets ?


Graduation design: 51 single-chip microcomputer based on the computer room environment temperature monitoring system

Graduation design: 51 single-chip microcomputer based on the computer room environment temperature monitoring system, as an undergraduate, do to make the design "optimal"?
The system mainly aim is to provide room environment temperature, humidity and the surrounding personnel, the electrostatic potential items, with high performance, high reliability, high efficiency, integration, multifunctional traits monitoring alarm device. Environmental conditions, especially the work environment temperature and humidity on electrostatic property has a great influence on the measurement, the measurement of static electricity is static electricity protective work important part. The engine room environment to be automatic monitoring alarm system can real-time monitoring the telecom room temperature, humidity, electrostatic index, abnormal circumstances can report to the police.

Water pollution on the society and economy brings the serious influence
1. The urban and rural residents threatens the safety of drinking water
Because of our country water environment pollution is serious, make urban and rural residents drinking water safety and security has been threatened. According to the investigation and statistics of the health department, our country has 65.4% of the population of substandard drinking water. The 1989 national environmental protection bureau to the national organization the key environmental protection cities protection of drinking water sources investigation and the results found that 48% of the surface water source, 20% of underground water sources can not reach the standard. Because water pollution caused by social problems quite outstanding. Among them is the typical is 1994 years, 1995 years, huai river mainstream continuous happen a water pollution accident, cause huainan and bengbu, millions of people use such as aimprovement no water to drink for a period of

The use of wireless microcontroller serial port on the problem of the module baud rate

I use the SCM and PC serial port of serial use cable communication, no problem
Now want to put the cable to wireless module, I want to ask next if switch to wireless, then wireless module of between sending and receiving baud rate and single chip microcomputer and computer end baud rate must agree or said may not consistent?
If your module has a cache ability, it can need not consistent. It can only be consistent, wireless module transmission baud rate than single chip microcomputer and computer of between.


Microcomputer application technology curriculum design remote temperature gathering system

Proteus use as a development tool, complete the dual machine communication temperature gathering function:
Use LM20 temperature sensor, AD1674 adc, AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer, four dial of the code switch temperature acquisition module (from the machine), dial the code switch for the address of the set module (15), from the machine in the temperature signal collection (interval 5 S) through a serial port after sending to host;
Use AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer, four to dial the code switch, the LED display temperature of receiving module (hosts), four to dial the code switch for setting communication baud rate (1200240 0480 0960) when the host baud rate change, from machine baud rate also automatically change, power operation shows baud rate information (stop 3 S), after receiving the address and temperature display information, when receiving time interval more than 6 S not received data, warning systems;
A single chip microcomputer ? only
This kind of paper many people write, suggest you go to know nets download, won't you can go to my baidu search space look, there is how to find the method and process of paper

Single chip microcomputer which several typical application structure and application software structure

SCM is to point to an integrated in a complete computer system on a chip. Although most of his function integration in a small chip, but it has a complete computer need most of the parts: the CPU, memory, and the external and internal bus system, at present most will have CRT. At the same time such as communication interface integrated, timer, real time clock and peripheral equipment. And now the most powerful of the single chip microcomputer system can even sound, image, network, complex input/output system integration on a single chip.
SCM is also called micro controller (Microcontroler), because it was the first used in the industrial control area. By chip microcontroller within the CPU only dedicated processor. The first design concept is through the huge amounts of peripherals
Single-chip microcomputer and says monolithic micro controller, it is not a complete a logical function chips, but put a computer system integration to a chip. Summary of speak: a chip to become a computer. Its small volume, light quality, price cheap, application and development of learning, provides the convenience. At the same time, learn to use single chip computer is to know the principle and structure of the best choice.
Single chip microcomputer and computer with interior also functions as the modules, such as CPU, memory, parallel bus, and of the same effect and hard disk storage device, different is that it's these parts performance is our home computer weak many, but the price is low, usually less than 10 yuan can...... Use it to do some control electric appliance kind of is not very complicated