
Based on 51 SCM infrared induction door graduation design

This paper introduces the 8051 single chip microcomputer, the application of single chip, to be automatic infrared induction door technology and application, etc. Design a simple 51 single-chip microcomputer based on infrared automatic induction door, and gives a simple test procedures and interface circuit.
Key word: 8051 single chip microcomputer; Infrared sensors.

4 design part
4.1 the design requirements
The design aims to design a simple function of 51 single-chip microcomputer control infrared automatic induction door. And presents a simple test procedures.
4.2 this design part and principle
Infrared automatic induction door mainly by the following seven parts.
(1). The Lord controller: induction door command center, through the internal entities of the single chip microcomputer instruction to issue a corresponding instruction, command motor, etc. Also, people can

